How to Write a Speech in 15 minutes
Learn how to prepare a talk when you don't have time

4 Hour Interactive Workshop.

It is your company's Annual Convention and the after-dinner speaker has missed his plane--you will have to speak in his place. Your boss suddenly tells you that you must give a presentation at the staff meeting in fifteen minutes. When these things happen, do you wish you could die?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could see these situations as an opportunity instead of a nightmare? What if, instead of muddling through it, you delivered a well organized speech  with confidence! Learn techniques that bring success when you don't have time to spare. Take charge of your destiny! If you want to succeed in business, you MUST be prepared to speak effectively with only a few minutes notice.

You will not find these methods in any book. Books about public speaking are written with the idea that you have several hours to think about the exact words you will use and to practice your delivery. In the real world that seldom happens. Professional speakers have plenty of time to prepare their speeches—business people do not. You have to answer the telephone, write letters and get the rest of your day's work done while trying to squeeze in time to prepare your presentation. Of course you will be nervous if you are writing a speech using a method that requires many hours when you don't even have one hour to spare! You need a method that works in the real world. This workshop will teach you that method. In this workshop you will learn exactly what to do so that you can communicate effectively with only fifteen minutes of preparation.

To bring this workshop to your place of business, call 412-478-6785 or email

Additional Public Speaking Workshops:
Improve Your Vocal Variety
Acting Techniques for Public Speakers
Promote Your Business
Job Interview Practice
How to Write a Humorous Speech

Sally Chopping
Public Speaking Coach

3019 Swansea Crescent West
Allison Park, PA 15101
Phone: 412 478-6785